What kind of baker are you?

Anais Nin Quote Made on Typewriter and Framed by farmnflea on Etsy, $12.00The other day at work one of my co-workers brought up the point that there are two types of bakers:

Bakers who follow recipes. And bakers who create their own thing.

Naturally I expanded this into a broader life-encompassing thought. Are we the baker who follows recipes? Do we adjust? Do we make them our own? Do we experiment? Do we just wing it? Do we measure? Do we make it our own? Do we put our own signature on it? I realized that even at the Pie Company we all had our own fluting or piping style, like our own little baking signatures. And so I think, what type of baker am I? Am I dynamic, and  a little of each?

Are we rule followers? Waiting on instructions? When I went to a zumba class and mom asked how it went: it was fine but if I’m going to dance I want to move according to how I feel. I want to do my own thing. Not be some sheep herded about. Letting people tell us where to step. How to move. Now I don’t mean to diss zumba but for me it doesn’t work. We let others guide us. We let society mold us. We go to work and let a boss tell us what to do. Part of the reason I went to college was because people told me I was too smart not to. My whole life others have felt the need to tell me what is best. Again I go back to the invisible Life Rule book that others are references, because I have never read it, especially when there are billions of people in the world, I would hope there would be billions of versions. That’s it for me: we all have our own individual purpose. We have to live that purpose. We have to express ourselves. Create. Create our life. Our own dreams.

It doesn’t mean we all have to run our own business, but it means we should run our lives. We can create and cook up our own life recipes. This is it. Your one life. This singular moment, if you want to make it more pressing. Our story to tell. Our story to write. Do we want to act out a role, in a story already written for us? Or would we rather fill in the pages ourselves? Do we want to just follow the recipe, or do we want to take creative freedom. Ooh good word here: FREEDOM.

What kind of energy do we want to bring? What do we want to bake? What do we want to write? When you’re sitting in front of a blank page, what will you write? What will your canvas behold? What song will you sing? How will your dance feel? Is it yours? Does it have your signature? Your touch? What kind of baker are you?

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