Because I’m Happy

Driving through town the other day, this song started playing. I instantly smiled. I instantly started dancing. I instantly felt happier. That is powerful. I want to pass that on to you. Listen to it. Play it for someone else. I’ve played it for my friends for Gavin and Trenton, for the twins, for my mom. I’ve had dance parties. Share your joy. Boom that hit. We’re always searching for purpose. Before I’ve explored my purpose of being a loving being. But I believe too that our purpose is to be happy and joyful. We deserve to be happy and joyful. I don’t think we can save people, people can choose to save themselves. We can however, share our joy. We can do our best. In doing that we can help spread happiness.

One of the best things I’ve discovered on my spiritual return is that: I can be happy for no reason. Yep I said spiritual return. I used to call it a journey, and it is a journey, a return to spirit. It began when I read Dr. Dyer’s Change Your Thoughts Change Your Life and the Tao. We can sometimes stray from spirit in our conditioning. Here is my return to spirit. I used to believe I needed a reason to be happy. I needed to buy something. I needed to accomplish something. I needed to find something. Happiness always had an attachment. Then one day it hit: f***ing be happy. Period. Happiness is within. Its a state of being. Accept. Love it. Nurture it. Choose happiness. Let it out. Let it out of your heart, out of your spirit. If you want happiness, be happy.

Finishing up, I am a fan and promoter of vulnerability. I remember reading in Brene Brown’s Daring Greatly, that dancing is full-body vulnerability. I love dancing. I always have. This song makes me want to dance. Something I enjoy about this video is the variety of people dancing. Expressing their happiness. I have always believed we are all dancers. You can’t do it wrong. You’re expressing yourself. How can you be wrong at expressing yourself? How can you be wrong at being vulnerable? You are you. Share. Own it. Dance your dance.  Check out for more.

Because I’m happy
Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof
Because I’m happy
Clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth
Because I’m happy
Clap along if you know what happiness is to you
Because I’m happy
Clap along if you feel like that’s what you wanna do

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